Calls for Papers

Without Sin LEA Call for Papers

Tasting Flesh by Samantha Sweeting, 2007.

Without Sin: Taboo and Freedom within Digital Media, Leonardo Electronic Almanac

This special edition will explore the notion of the moral economy of human activity and how this is translates (or not) within digital media. A current hypothesis (Turkle 2011) is that technology has introduced mechanisms that bypass traditional concepts of both community and identity. If we consider that contemporary social technologies have significantly changed our practical reality, a reality where human experience and technical artefact have become beyond intertwined, but for many interwoven, inseparable – then the media anxiety over the usage of mobile and networked technologies is an indicator of the maturity and pervasive nature of the media in question. Moral panics have peppered popular culture throughout the ages, however the nature of human activity facilitated by digital media remains difficult to witness, describe or evidence given the rate of technological change and the volumes of ‘dark’ Net (Bergman 2001). This (current) unchartable characteristic provides rich opportunity for the disinhibited mind to exercise freedom, act on desires and explore the taboo. Do a priori regulative rules govern social behavior online? If not what/whom guides our behavior?

Using a multidisciplinary perspective, this edition will provide a critical impression/description of contemporary human activity within digital media, an analysis of the media ‘fears’ and explore any implications for existing concepts of social identity.

Proposals are invited from artists and designers who have worked within the subject areas, alongside those in the humanities and social sciences. Proposals that utilize primary experience from a ‘born digital’ perspective, critical practice or papers that cite new empirical data would be particularly welcome. We also welcome proposals that contain provocative, radical or ‘taboo’ propositions.

The articles can take the form of traditional academic papers that will be refereed or more creative approaches to the proposed theme.

Senior Editors for this issue of LEA: Lanfranco Aceti and Donna Leishman, Dundee University.
Editor: Sheena Calvert, Central St Martins & University of Westminster.

Please send proposals to: and

a) Subject heading: Without Sin: Taboo and Freedom within Digital Media
b) 500 word abstract for articles. Deadline: November 19th, 2012.
c) Deadline for submission of full article for consideration: February 1st, 2012.
d) 2 images at 72 dpi resolution no larger than 800 pixels width for artists (we will ask for higher resolution if your work is accepted to be published.)
e) Links to previous work, videos or personal sites

Our publication formats allow for full-color throughout and we encourage rich pictorial content where relevant and possible. Note however that all material submitted must be copyright cleared (or due diligence must be evidenced).  For online publication a wide variety of media content may be considered (animation, mp3, flash, java, etc…)

• For scholarly papers please submit the final paper ready for peer review. Your contribution will be reviewed by at least two members of the LEA board and revisions may be requested subject to review.
• For themed and pictorial essays please submit an abstract or outline for editorial consideration and further discussion.
• Please keep your news, announcements and hyperlinks brief and focused – include contact details and a link to an external site where relevant. We reserve the right to sub-edit your submissions in order to comply with LEA policies and formats.  Where material is time-sensitive please include both embargo and expiry dates.
• In all cases specify special system considerations where these are necessary (platform, codecs, plug-ins, etc…)

For further information or image submission contact:

We look forward to hearing from you!