
The new Leonardo Electronic Almanac, with Editor in Chief Lanfranco Aceti, is a collaborative effort between The MIT Press; Leonardo/ISAST; Goldsmiths, University of London; and New York University, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.

Established in 1993, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, a peer reviewed journal (ISSN No: 1071-4391), is the electronic arm of the pioneer art journal, Leonardo – Journal of Art, Science & Technology. LEA Editorial Board is composed of internationally recognized academics who are experts in their respective fields. Lanfranco Aceti, Editor in Chief, and Ozden Sahin the Co-Editor envisage the Leonardo Electronic Almanac as an incubator that develops research projects, conferences and exhibition that are later on published in a variety of formats: e.g. catalogs, books and magazine issues in collaboration with OCR.

Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), jointly produced by Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST), and published by MIT Press, is a peer reviewed electronic journal dedicated to providing a forum for those who are interested in the realm where art, science and technology converge. In 2010 the journal was re-launched by Lanfranco Aceti, Editor in Chief in order to face up to the challenges of the publishing industry in the 21st century. “Leonardo Electronic Almanac will focus on publishing rigorously peer reviewed articles,” said Lanfranco Aceti “that reflect contemporary fine art engagements that reflect the complex social, technological and cultural shifts in contemporary globalized societies.”

For over a decade, LEA thrived as an international peer reviewed electronic journal and web archive covering the interaction of the arts, sciences, and technology. The new LEA will emphasize publication of recent work and critical discussion on topics of current relevance. LEA encourages contributions from scholars, artists, scientists, educators and developers of new technological resources in the fine arts and media arts.

Content will include profiles of media arts facilities and projects, insights of artists using new media and feature articles comprising theoretical and technical perspectives. A curated gallery of contemporary fine art practice in collaboration with OCR will also feature selected exhibitions and LEA will publish special issues on a variety of topics related to contemporary art and its complex entanglements with the complexity of social, technological and scientific thought.

Leonardo is a registered trademark of the ISAST.

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