LEA Volume 17 Issue 2
Senior Editors for this volume: Lanfranco Aceti and Simon Penny
ISBN: 978-1906897-16-1
ISSN: 1071-4391
Reference: Mauro Carassai, “Electronic Literature as Language Game: A Philosophical Approach to Digital Artifact Subjectivity,” eds. Lanfranco Aceti and Simon Penny, Leonardo Electronic Almanac (DAC09: After Media: Embodiment and Context) 17, no. 2 (2012): 36-49.
Electronic Literature as Language Game: a Philosophical Approach to Digital Artifact Subjectivity
by Mauro Carassai
As a theoretical endeavour to interconnect machinic intelligence and literary subjectivity, the present paper discusses implications of a reconfigured understanding of recent digital literary artifacts within the specific frame of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s late philosophy. The first half addresses some of the ways in which a Wittgensteinian inter-subjective model of interaction might apply in the case of selected digital works (Michael Joyce’s Twelve Blue and Judd Morrissey’s The Jew’s Daughter) developed out of aesthetic possibilities specific to digital/computational media. The second half envisions critical consequences of reframing literary negotiations in terms of Wittgensteinian ‘language games’ for second-generation works of electronic literature.
Full article is available for download as a pdf here.
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