LEA Volume 17 Issue 1
Senior Editor for this issue: Lanfranco Aceti
Reference: Joseph Farbrook, “Teaching Video Production in Virtual Reality,” ed. Lanfranco Aceti, Leonardo Electronic Almanac (Mish Mash) 17, no. 1 (2011): 142-151.
Teaching Video Production in Virtual Reality
by Joseph Farbrook
Article DOI: 10.5900/SU_9781906897116_2011.17(1)_142
Teaching video production using video game technology and a method of live manipulation of digital puppets and props ofers new possibilities for narrative, without shifting focus away from storyline and dramatic content, due to technical hurdles. This production technique known as Machinima has been steadily gaining in popularity and prominence due to the relative ease and speed in which small production teams can learn to use video game software in this new way and quickly create professional quality animated movies.
Full article is available for download as a pdf at the bottom of the page.
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