
PhD Studentship: Perception of Visual Art

PhD Studentship: Perception of Visual Art

Natural images vary a great deal, but obey certain statistical regularities. In particular they possess a property known as scale invariance; image structure is similar at different magnifications. Natural selection should have ensured that the human visual system is optimally tuned to natural image statistics, and the project will examine current theories that artworks cater for these adaptations and therefore reflect natural statistics. Methods will include physical image analysis and psychophysical experiments.

This DPhil offers an opportunity to work in a dynamic, rapidly developing area of research which spans science and art, using rigorous scientific methodology. The research will be conducted in a well-equipped vision laboratory containing specialist hardware and software. There is some flexibility in the specific topic area depending on the successful candidate’s interests. The successful candidate will be based at the School of Psychology, University of Sussex.

Applications for this funded studentship should be made by 25th February 2011.

The studentship pays the tuition fee and a maintenance allowance, currently £13,590 per annum (this includes a teaching commitment). Home and international students are eligible to be considered for this studentship (European nationality and UK residence requirements apply to Research Council studentships).  For non-EU overseas applicants the contribution to tuition fees will be at the home tuition fee rate. The remainder of the tuition fee must be paid from elsewhere.

Initial enquiries should be addressed to the Research Coordinator: 01273 876638

Applicants should discuss their proposed DPhil project with George Mather(  before submitting their application.

Details of application procedures can be found at: