LEA Volume 17 Issue 1
Senior Editor for this issue: Lanfranco Aceti
Reference: Vesna Madzoski, “Error to Mistake > Notes on the Aesthetics of Failure,” ed. Lanfranco Aceti, Leonardo Electronic Almanac (Mish Mash) 17, no. 1 (2011): 52-55.
Profile: Darko Fritz
Error to Mistake > Notes on the Aesthetics of Failure
by Vesna Madzoski
Article DOI: 10.5900/SU_9781906897116_2011.17(1)_52
Two dominant scenarios of the future of humanity have marked the (post)modern century behind us. According to the irst, optimistic one, we will reach unimaginable evolutionary peaks due to technological perfection; this disciplined and orderly functioning of machines will bring humans to the inal state of evolution where the body never leaves the coziness of the pre-natal state of fullness and happiness. The other scenario gives a more concerned view on the technological advancement and supremacy, haunted with the images of Earth’s exhausted natural resources that will put humans a few evolutionary steps back – to their animal, ‘pre-civilized’ state.
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