Science photographer Felice Frankel holds concurrent positions at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School’s Systems Biology, the Wyss Institute and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Working in collaboration with scientists and engineers, Frankel’s images have been published in over 300 journal articles and/or covers and various other publications for general audiences such asNational Geographic, Nature, Science, Angewandte Chemie,Advanced Materials, Materials Today, PNAS, Newsweek,Scientific American, Discover Magazine, New Scientistamong others.
Her previous books are Envisioning Science, The Design and Craft of the Science Image, (The MIT Press); On the Surface of Things, Images of the Extraordinary in Science, (Harvard University Press) co-authored with George Whitesides; andModern Landscape Architecuture, Redefining the Garden, with Jory Johnson, (Abbeville Press). She is founder of the Image and Meaning workshops and conferences whose purpose is to develop new approaches to promote the public understanding of science through visual [removed]Image and Meaning). She is also leading a National Science Foundation funded program, Picturing to Learn, an effort to study how making representations by students, aids in teaching and learning, (Picturing to Learn).
Frankel and her work have been profiled in the New York Times, Wired, LIFE Magazine, the Boston Globe, theWashington Post, the Chronicle of Higher Education, National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, Science Friday, the Christian Science Monitor and various european publications. She exhibits throughout the United States and in Europe. Her limited edition photographs are included in a number of corporate and private collections.