Calls for Papers

Art in the Age of Pervasive Data LEA Call For Papers

Art in the Age of Pervasive Data, Leonardo Electronic Almanac

500 word abstract due September 10, 2010
Deadline Extended

Art in the Age of Pervasive Data is a call for papers and artworks for a new issue of the Leonardo Electronic Almanac edited by FutureEverything.

This issue of LEA will seek cross disciplinary thinking on art in the age of pervasive data.

LEA is soliciting texts and artworks by artists, researchers, and scholars involved in the exploration of themes including:

The networked city
Data visualization
Open data
Hyperlocal data and the interpretation of proximity
Community use and generation of data
Novel means of navigating the data terrain

Cities today are vast repositories of information, endlessly collecting and archiving data. The growth of databases and libraries that we access and update in the course of our everyday lives, and new techniques of accessing, visualizing and using that data, leads to new forms of representation and social interaction.

The editors seek cross disciplinary essays and artworks on the networked city, data visualization, open data, hyperlocal data and the interpretation of proximity, community use and generation of data, and novel means of navigating the data terrain.

Linked activity exploring the Art in the Age of Pervasive Data theme is being led by FutureEverything and its OpenData Cities project.

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac will produce an online and print on demand paper and gallery issue edited by FutureEverything, as well as host curated images and videos online in the LEA gallery.

The FutureEverything editorial group consists of Karen Gaskill, Drew Hemment, Michelle Hirschhorn, Michelle Kasprzak, Julian Tait and Kate Taylor.
Abstracts and full papers to: and

LEA Articles Conventions for submissions to LEA.

Artworks Proposals to: and

a) subject heading: Art in the Age of Pervasive Data;
b) 4 images at 72 dpi resolution no larger than 800 pixels width for artists;
c) captions for each image;
d) links to previous work, videos or personal sites.

Our publication formats allow for full-color throughout and we encourage rich pictorial content where relevant and possible.  Note however that all material submitted must be copyright cleared (or due diligence must be evidenced).  For online publication a wide variety of media content may be considered (animation, mp3, flash, java, etc…)

• For scholarly papers please submit 500 word abstract by September 10, 2010 (deadline extended), the final paper ready for peer review to the FutureEverything editorial group and LEA Your contribution will be reviewed by the FutureEverything editors as well as the LEA board and revisions may be requested subject to review.
• For themed and pictorial essays please submit an abstract or outline for editorial consideration and further discussion.
• Please keep your news, announcements and hyperlinks brief and focused – include contact details and a link to an external site where relevant.  We reserve the right to sub-edit your submissions in order to comply with LEA policies and formats.  Where material is time-sensitive please include both embargo and expiry dates.
• In all cases specify special system considerations where these are necessary (platform, codecs, plug-ins, etc…)

For further information or images submission contact: